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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Draw A Textured House

I did this house drawing last year with kinders, and remembered having a lot of success with it. This year I just added a texture element, which came from slipping a small piece of window screen underneath while coloring.
1. I started with tabloid card stock paper from Staples (11" x 17") which worked really well for both size and coloring. The students followed my direction on the board, and drew a ground (horizon) line first, and then the house shape on top. If this shape was difficult, they could instead draw a box with a triangle on top. Two equal horizontal lines were added to the top of the roof as shown, with the bottom one extending out a bit further than the top. Lastly, the ends were connected from the top of the roof down to the ground.
2. With the house shape complete, the students could design the rest of their building, added windows and doors and chimneys as desired. If space around the house was available, they could add trees, clouds and more, whatever they could think up. When their drawing was complete, they traced everything with black Sharpie markers.
3. Small pieces of window screen were passed out when the students were ready to color. They could slip a section (about 10" x 5") under their paper while coloring, to make some or all of their paper textured. The only rule was they had to color everything in, no blank sky or ground.
This picture was made by Neariah, a kinder. Thanks for letting me share your art Neariah!

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