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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Delaunay Marker Drawing

Sonia Delaunay was a ground-breaking female artist who made some wonderful abstract paintings known for their rhythm and color. My goal was to have the students learn that if they used repeating shapes and colors in their art, they could create a very rhythmic picture too.
1. I found a vital piece of equipment at Michael’s, a circle scissor that helped me make dozens of circles from 1" to 6" wide out of card stock paper. I passed out both the inside and the outside circle shapes to trace, along with a ruler. The goal was to have a picture filled with shapes that are limited to full circles and half circles, but no other kind of splices. The best way to control this is to ask the students to trace one large circle and one smaller one in any placement on their paper. A center dot is drawn in the middle of each.
2. With a ruler, the student is to draw a line through the center dots.
3. More circles can be traced and added inside and out, but always centering them to the best of the student’s ability.
4. We used good old Sharpie markers for coloring, and I had the good fortune of having some coated white paper on hand. It really made the markers glide on, but I bet that regular paper would look just as nice. Remind the students that they are to have repeating colors. Each marker should be used in at least 3 different places. I personally love how these drawings came out – wish I could make giant posters out of them!
CA Visual Art Standard: Creative Expression, Grade Four
2.6 Create an original work of art emphasizing rhythm and movement....

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