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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Watercolor Butterflies

I plan to do this painting with my afterschool watercolor class tomorrow. For the first time in a long while, I painted directly with the Crayola watercolors from the tray, and found I liked the results much more than I anticipated.
1. I have a lot of students in 1st and 2nd grade, so I thought painting butterflies would be a good way to reinforce their school lessons on symmetry. To keep them from laboring over their shapes, I plan to give them templates for just one side of the butterfly, so they will need to trace them, flop them over, and trace the other side. They'll do this in pencil on heavy watercolor paper. When the paper is filled with outlines of butterflies, they will trace them heavily in crayon, and add symmetrical shapes to the wings. If time permits, I may show them how to do some “wet-on-wet” painting by adding some paint spots to their wet butterflies.
2. Students will get their own watercolor tray and cup of water. I'll have them get the tablets fairly wet before they color in their butterflies.
3. When the butterflies are done, they'll use liquid watercolors to get better coverage for their backgrounds. I’m going to recommend that they leave a little white space around the butterflies to brighten the art up, and more importantly, keep the colors from running together.

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