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Monday, August 23, 2010

How to Draw a Clown

Clowns takes me right back to black velvet paintings, but the subject matter tends to really bring out the creative side of students. Maybe it’s the permission to be silly, which hopefully of goes without saying when drawing a clown face.
1. I started with a 9" x 13" black piece of paper and pencil. I know it is sometimes a little tricky to see the pencil lines, but using either dark pencils or really dark paper will help. Follow my diagram as follows:
a. Draw a large oval.
b. Draw an upside down hat on top.
c. Add two eyes, a round nose and a single line mouth.
d. Add arches over the eyes and two ears on the side.
e. Starting on the left side of the face, draw the ruffle by drawing down, lots of curves across to the right, and up to meet the right side of the face. Also add a flower coming out of the hat.
f. Add curly hair to fill up the space below the hat and above the ears.
2. Trace all the lines with a thick black oil pastel
3. Color in all the shapes with oil pastel. If some of the black lines are lost, trace again with pastel when complete.

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