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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sea Turtle Painting

If you look closely at this picture you'll see a lovely texture that was created by...plastic wrap.
1. You need to use true watercolor paper for this. I once ran out and used plain drawing paper – it didn’t work at all. So, give each student a 9" x 12" sheet of watercolor paper and demonstrate how they can draw a sea turtle with ovals, legs and head. They may start their drawing with a pencil, but they then need to trace all the lines with a dark crayon to hide the pencil.
2. I like to use dissolved watercolor tablets. Give the students blue and green watercolor in separate cups, and have them make overlapping splotches of each color all over their drawing. They must use a generous amount of paint. When the paper is really wet, cover the entire paper with a generous section of plastic wrap. Show the students how to push the wrap around until a lot of wrinkles are created. Let the painting dry about an hour or so before you remove the wrap.

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