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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Art Journaling 127, Draw an Elephant

Sometimes when I need inspiration for my art journal class, I head to the children's section of my local library. I found "Elephant Moon" by Bijou Le Tord, and fell in love with the poetic story and simple illustrations.
1. The front view of an elephant, as shown in the book, is a nice and simple way to draw one. There are actually just three shapes to my drawing: the center head and trunk, the large symmetrical ears that extend to each side, and then the two front legs right below. I'm going to have my students follow along with me on my board, and then lastly have them add two tusks and two eyes. All are drawn in pencil, first lightly and then traced more heavily.
2. I'm going to have the students write something about elephants in their leftover space before they paint. Maybe with prompts like: "Elephants are..." and have them finish the sentence.
3. I painted my drawing with my usual dissolved Crayola watercolor tablets in a bit of water. I had a supply on hand that were all on the light side, which actually matched the art in the "Elephant Moon" book pretty well.

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