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Monday, April 26, 2010

Paper Mache Bowl, Part 1

My current afterschool paper mache project is turning out to be one of my most reliable, ye olde balloon and mache combination. I posted this project a while back, but without illustrations. Tomorrow is paint day so I'll be showing off the results.
SESSION ONE: I started each student off with a 12" balloon and a cut-off grocery box to hold the balloon in place. The students used 10" strips of newspaper for the first layer. The mache recipe can be found HERE. The mache requires several days to dry. Warning: Do not sun dry in the sun. The balloon will expand and tear the paper.
SESSION TWO:  If your balloon has popped, cut a small opening and blow up another inside to replace it. A second layer of mache and paper is applied. It helps to do the this layer with a diffent color paper to assure full coverage. Again, let dry for several days.
SESSION THREE: Cut a 7" circle of corrugated cardboard for the base of each bowl and use about 8 long strips of masking tape to secure it as shown. Have the students mache a layer of long newspaper strips to wrap around over the masking tape and cover the bottom to complete the base. Then, add a second layer and let dry for several days.
SESSION FOUR: To prep for painting, I used a  box cutter to open the bowl and then covered the rim with masking tape to reinforce it. Paint away with bright acrylic paint. Check back in to see a sample tomorrow...

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