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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Watercolor Alphabet

This was my after school watercolor project this afternoon, a crayon resist alphabet grid idea that I found over at I wanted the students to learn that they can control where their paint spreads, by literally making little “walls” of crayon. This colorful painting was made by Lara, a talented 1st grader.
1. I started with 11" x 15" watercolor paper, and drew a grid out in pencil for each student. Five rows across and five down made 25 rectangles. I explained to the students that they were to write one letter of the alphabet in each, but needed to “cheat” in one of the spaces and squeeze two in to make all the letters fit.
2. After each student wrote their letters, they traced them with a crayon. I like the Crayola Twistables as they don’t get as dull as the regular kind. The grid lines were traced also.
3. Each student was given a small brush and a variety of liquid watercolors. I asked them to change color often and see how neatly they could fill in each rectangle. Any accidental bleeding though, I think just ads charm to the artwork.
Thanks for letting me share your picture, Lara!

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