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Friday, September 24, 2010

Watercolor & Crayon Name

You can give your painting skills a practice while you make a pretty sign for your home or classroom.

1. I recommend starting with some kind of watercolor paper as it will make a big difference in the brightness of the paint color. Working with a wide format paper, have the students draw five equal horizontal sections that are about the same width, using a pencil and ruler. Centering tip: Students mark the center of the paper and then figure out what the middle letters are in each part of their full name. In my case, I made my letter "T" in the middle, and then added the "KA" to the left, and "HY" to the right. They can do the same with their middle and last names, always making capital letters that touch the top and bottom of each line. The letters must be upper case to create closed spaces.
2. After the name is completely planned in pencil, the students are to trace the lines and letters in crayon, pressing hard to leave lots of wax.
3. Using watercolor paints, have the students paint in all the closed shapes they have made with bright colors. It helps to have lots of color choices so that not many colors end up being next to each other when finished.

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