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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Art Journaling 132

My afterschool art journaling class continues, and I’m determined to build on my most successful ideas from last year. One was to have the students fill the pages by asking them to draw from edge to edge, and the other was to always involve at least two “layers” of color.
1. Starting with a pencil and a 7" x 10" journal, the students draw two vertical lines as shown.
2. A horizontal line is drawn across the top, one partial, one full length, and another partial line as shown.
3. The students are to write “Hello” and “2011” in the two boxes near the top. The rest of the boxes are for drawing and writing all the things they are looking forward to this new year. My example has some simple seasons for those who may need inspiration, but more personal ideas would be even better. After all the boxes are filled, watercolor paint is used to paint in the shapes and backgrounds.
The next classs will start out with the students using crayons to trace the lines and add extra detail to their page. It adds a bit of punch to the overall look.

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