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Friday, February 18, 2011

Cityscape from Book Pages

I was about to get rid of an old box set of paperback dictionaries, when I realized the pages had just the weathered look that I wanted for a collage project. Lots of other books would work too, it’s just best if they are aged a bit to get that gray cast.
1. Starting with a black sheet of paper (I like scrapbook paper if it is on sale) and several printed pages from old torn up books, students first cut out building shapes. I also handed a printout of black and white city skylines for students to get inspired by, which you can download HERE.
2. Students were to draw lots of windows on their buildings with a fat, chisel tip black marker and then outline the edge of each building with a medium tip black marker.
3. The buildings were glued down with a glue stick.
4. White details were added to the sky using a white colored pencil.

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