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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Glitter Heart Painting

One last heart project that I want to share because it’s the first time I let students use only Dick Blick Glitter Watercolor Paints. The results were more like finger paintings, and the glitter is only visible close up, but I love the colors.  
1. I used a die cutter to cut one heart in the center of a 7" square piece of chipboard, and then trimmed my oversize watercolor paper to allow two rows of three hearts, 21" x 7". This was good for kinders as they had to practice lining up the squares.
2. I gave the students only crayons to draw the hearts and squares and then patterns inside. I’ve learned that pencils often lead too complex pattern drawing that takes too long to trace.
3. When the drawing was done all, the hearts and boxes were painted over with different watercolors.
Thanks to Lucy L., a wonderful artist in 1st grade, who let me share her painting.

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