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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jim Dine Shiny Valentine

Jim Dine, an American Pop artist, used a lot of common images in his art, but is best known for his heart paintings. His creative style is one students can really appreciate as he liked to experiment with colors.  
1. A sturdy backing is needed for the aluminum foil drawing. Old matte board is good, but any smooth chip board would do. Cut the board into 5" x 7" rectangles.
2. Distribute a board, glue stick and many colored Sharpie markers. Tear or cut a rectangle of aluminum foil about 7" x 9" for each student. The students cover one side of the board in glue, and then center and wrap the foil around it with the shiniest side out.
3. Students draw one large heart in the middle of the card, and then 3 or 4 straight lines from edge to edge that dissect the card.
All the sections that are made from this are to be colored in with different Sharpie markers.

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