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Sunday, May 23, 2010

How to Draw a Cubist Portrait

Many 3rd graders in California learn that Picasso’s cubism was about seeing two sides of something at the same time. Here is a breakdown of steps that I use, which I hope are helpful.
1. Give each student a 9" x 12" piece of black construction paper. Have them fold the paper in half vertically so they have a middle line. Then they are to make a light pencil mark in the middle, and then in the middle of each of those sections as in Diagram 1.
2. A profile line is drawn down the middle, with the top of the nose hitting the top quarter mark, the bottom of the nose hitting the middle mark, and the bottom of the chin hitting the bottom quarter mark. The chin ends as a curve up and the neck line is added as in Diagram 2.
3. Profile features are added as shown in Diagram 3.
4. The face is completed with frontal view features. The chin and neck lines are added to symetrically match the right side as in Diagram 4.
5. After the pencil drawing is complete, the lines are traced with a black oil pastel, making the lines very fat. All the shapes are then filled in. Encourage the use of unusual colors.

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