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Monday, May 10, 2010

Paint and Trace Watercolor Flowers

This project worked well for kinders through 5th grade last week. I basically had students draw or “fill in” the flowers first with their paint brushes, and then trace the edges afterward. My other projects almost always begin with traced drawings so this backwards approach gave the students a different perspective and different results.
1. With medium size brushes, liquid watercolor paint and white card stock paper, I had the students paint three flower tops and then a few stems and leaves below.
2. To keep this a one-class project, I handed out paper towels and had the students gently apply it on top to absorb any extra paint. This sometimes lightened the image, but it still looked pretty.
3. Lastly, each student took a fat black Sharpie and traced the edges of their flowers. I encouraged them to add extra details, such as folds in the flower leaves, and little bugs or insects on the side. This can be a pretty and quick project, if you need one. My experience was that most kids finished it in a half hour at most.

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