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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Plants in a Jar

I'm always looking for new ways of using white crayons that “magically” appear when painted. This can be integrated with a science lesson on plants and root systems.
1. I cut jar templates from letter-size chip board and gave one to each student. Have them trace the jar in pencil on a 9" x 12" paper.
2. Limit the early crayon color selection to minimize mistakes. Students were to trace the jar in blue and draw a ground line in green. Then the plants could be drawn above the ground, and a root was drawn in white below. I found that going straight to crayon worked fine. Sometimes drawing in pencil and then tracing slows the process down. Lastly, flowers could be added to the plants. Emphasize that the coloring needs to be heavy so they should press hard throughout.
3. Distribute watercolor paints and tell the students to use different colors for their ground and jar and background.

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