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Monday, May 24, 2010

Joan Miro Watercolor Painting

Joan Miro was a Spanish artist who developed a very whimsical style back in the 1930’s. His painting called “People and Dog in Sun” is  fun to imitate by drawing stick figures, stars and circles.
1. Give each student a 9" x 12" piece of watercolor paper and pencil. They are to draw one large stick figure in the middle, preferably in some action pose. Miro often repeated shapes in his work so ask the students to add more shapes to their art but ONLY by using lines and dots. At least two of the shapes need to intersect (overlap) to make more shapes to color.
2. After the pencil drawing is done, the students need to trace it heavily with a black crayon.
3. I tried a new paint for this project - Dr. Ph Martin’s Inks. They are similar to watercolors but have a really intense pigment. They don’t cost too much, but they do stain clothes so I wouldn’t recommend them for young kids. Whatever you use, have the students fill in all the shapes they have made with a different color.

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